+40 (21) 655-55-55
  1. NAV
  2. Ro Domain

.RO Domain Registration

The official domain extension for Romania

This domain is listed in the following categories: Romania, Europe, ccTLD.

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.RO — domain prices

New Registration — (annual)
Transfer — (including renewal for 1 year)
Annual renewal
Transfer of right of use
Quarantine removal service
Transfer to NAV Registrar



General information about .RO — domain extension

Domain transfer
Transfer of .ro domain is possible
Transfer with authorization code
An authorization code is required (auth-code/EPP)
Domain Security
An accidental transfer block cannot be set for the .ro domain, but the transfer can only be made after the registrar and registry are approved following the verification of the documents sent by the domain owner.
Modification of property rights
Changing the ownership is possible for .ro domains
Domain names with diacritics (IDN)
The .ro domain may contain special characters
A .ro domain can only contain numbers
RoTLD / ICI - Bucharest ( Website | Rules )

Special provisions for .RO — domain

The length of the domain
If you register a domain name ro, it is allowed to have between 1 and 63 characters. The hyphens are not allowed at the beginning or end of the domain (for example, --nav.ro or nav--.ro).
Change data after registration
The data of the owner can be modified within 48 hours, from the registration of the domain, if certain information was wrong.


Registration in Real time

New registration
1 - 10 years
1 - 10 years
Duration of registration
It takes a few seconds to register a .ro domain
Notice period
The expiration notification period is 30 days before the domain expires.
Quarantine period
90 days

The deletion of a .ro domain is performed after 90 days from the expiry date of the domain if in this interval the owner does not renew his right of use by paying the annual maintenance service and, if applicable, the quarantine tax.

After the deletion, the respective domain will become available for registration according to the principle "first come, first served".

The deletion of .ro domain names is automatically processed according to the availability of the .ro Domain Registry servers - RoTLD.

Trends and general information

The .ro domain is the official top-level domain of Romania. These Romanian domains are very popular in the geographical area around Romania: German, Italian or Hungarian companies buy and register their own .ro domain to demonstrate a cultural, economic or ethnic connection with the region and people in Romania. The registered domains are managed by rotld.ro, a company based in Bucharest, Romania.

Since 1993, interested Internet users can buy and register their own .ro domains - the high age of the domain underlines an excellent reputation of the TLD which is rewarded in particular by major search engines such as Google, but also by many international visitors.


By the beginning of 2017, the .ro domain registry registered more than 900,000 domains. For companies it is also possible to buy and register a .com.ro domain, which underlines a commercial orientation - about 50,000 of these domains are currently registered.

There is also the domain .org.ro, which has been introduced for organizations or extensions such as .tm.ro, .nt.ro, .nom.ro, .info.ro, .rec.ro, .arts.ro, .firm.ro, .store.ro and .www.ro.

Update: On 31.01.2020, RoTLD reported a number of 602,622 registered .ro domains and 7,526 .com.ro domains.

For register domain names please access the page

Domain Registration