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  1. NAV
  2. Eu Domain

.EU Domain Registration

The official domain extension of the European Union

This domain is listed in the following categories: Europe, Toplevel-Domain.

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.EU — domain prices

New Registration — (annual)
Annual renewal
Transfer — (including renewal for 1 year)
Transfer of right of use
Quarantine removal service



General information about .EU — domain extension

Domain transfer
.eu domain transfer is possible
Transfer with authorization code
An auth-code is required for the transfer of a .eu domain
Domain Security
You can not set a transfer lock for your .eu domain
Modification of property rights
Changing ownership is possible for .eu domains
Domain names with diacritics (IDN)
The .eu domain may contain special characters
A .eu domain can only contain numbers
EURid ( Website | Rules )

Special provisions for .EU — domain

The length of the domain
If you register a .eu domain, it is allowed to have between 2 and 63 characters. The hyphens are not allowed at the beginning or end of the domain (for example, --eurid.eu or eurid--.eu).


Registration in Real time

New registration
1 - 10 years
1 - 10 years
Duration of registration
It takes a few seconds to register the .eu domain
Notice period
The expiration notification period is 4 days before the domain expires.
After a prior notification of renewal or expiration of a .eu domain, it will be automatically available for registration according to the rule first come, first served.

General trends and information

The .eu domain is the official (top-level-domain) extension for companies, organizations and individuals in the European Union. The .eu extension is perfectly suited for a company with activities in Europe and very popular. Just to emphasize an international orientation, companies can buy and register .eu domains.
— potential customers throughout the European area recognize when accessing a .eu domain as the site belongs to a European trading company.


The official extension (top-level domain) of the European Union is a very popular and well-known domain for individuals or companies in the European Union. Compared to other top-level-domain domains, the .eu extension is currently ranked 5th in the ccTLDs. With approximately 3.7 million registered domains, the .eu domain is in the top 8 of the most popular domain extensions in the world, behind classics such as .com, .net or .org.

For register domain names please access the page

Domain Registration